The Beta
Across from the parking continue south along an old dirt road for 3 minutes (158 yards) until a field appears on your right. Head 3 minutes (183 yards) across the field (south) to an old pond and enter the forest via an old grown in logging road. Carefully hike 16 minutes (800 yards) along the flat logging road south until you reach a grove of rhododendron make your way through to reach a heard path. Head right (west) for 5 minutes (106 yards). You will pass by on your left First and emerge into a cliff clearing continue 4 minutes (165 yards) along until you enter back into the forest and see large boulders down hill. This is the back of Biggie

Micro Approach Beta
Exit thick rhododendron and pass along exposed outcropping with a nice vista. Passing by 5 minutes prior.
Travel through the bushy rhododendron to a series of ledges (nice views) until you re-enter the forest to hike down a ramped notched to the back of Biggie .